If you are only seeking septic tank pumping as part of regular maintenance, please call a septic hauler. We do not provide septic tank cleaning services and do not haul septic but work closely with local haulers should your station require pumping for us to service it.

Does your station need service?

We can help!

Residential Simplex Pump Stations
If you're googling for septic service technicians, you probably have one of these in your backyard.

Quick Johns and Indoor Sewage Pumps
Did you walk downstairs and smell something you weren't expecting? We service basement toilets with their own pump and the basins in your basement taking care of the downstairs bathroom (the one that you hear turning on and off when you're taking a shower).

Sump Pumps
These are for water. If your basement is wet, maybe that pump in the corner quit on you. We can help.

Duel Compartment Septic Tanks/Pump Stations (STEP Tank)
These are typically found residentially

Submersible Duplex Pump Stations
These serve both residential and commercial applications

Above Grade Duplex Pump Stations
These serve commercial and municipal applications, such as Smith & Loveless

Dry Pit Duplex Pump Stations
These also serve commercial and municipal applications, such as Smith & Loveless
If your pump need is not on the list, give us a call, we're here to help!